Intellects Energy Ltd.

Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS010)

TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program
Functional Safety Engineer Certification
The TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program is a unique opportunity to provide
evidence of competency in functional safety from an internationally recognised
The certified FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate demonstrates competency in
the fundamentals of Functional safety and provides a skill set that is transferable
from one work situation to another and enables staff to fulfill responsibilities and to
perform activities to recognised standards of competence on a regular basis, in
order to
− reduce risks
− satisfy legal and regulatory requirements
− meet the organisation’s business objectives
− enable the organisation to meet contractual commitments.
By understanding:
• The principles and concepts of the internationally agreed standards IEC 61508
2nd Edition and IEC 61511 2nd Edition for safety instrumented systems (SIS)
• Hazard identification and the hazard and operability (HAZOP) process including
understanding cause / consequence pairs and the sequence of events leading
to the hazard.
• Security Risk Assessment including IEC 61511 and IEC 62443 requirements
• Risk, the setting of tolerable risk targets for safety, asset and the environment
and methods to achieve these targets by reducing risks to as low as reasonably
possible (ALARP)

The concepts and differences between qualitative, semi quantitative and
quantitative risk assessment methods and when and how to apply them
• The principles of risk modelling, event tree analysis (ETA) and fault tree analysis
(FTA) and how to model protective systems using these techniques
• How to set up, use and apply the most popular safety integrity level (SIL) risk
assessment methods such as risk graphs, risk matrices and layers of protection
analysis (LOPA)
• SIL determination for preventative and mitigation systems including fire and gas
systems (e.g. detector coverage and mitigation capability)
• Correctly developing the Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) to ensure the
requirements are auditable, testable and written for ease of understanding
• How to design safety-instrumented systems for protecting against process
related hazards using the techniques and measures in IEC 61508 2nd Edition and
IEC 61511 2nd Edition including developing lifecycle procedures (e.g.
maintenance, inspection and testing)
• The technical information required on all system components including
extracting reliability data for the application from manufacturers certificates,
reports and applying confidence levels to the data.
• SIL demonstration calculations such as probability of failure on demand (PFD),
safe failure fractions, hardware fault tolerance and proof test interval
• How to identify and calculate the impact of common cause failures (Beta factor)
on the reliability of protective systems
• Requirements for proven in use evidence for existing installed equipment
• Requirements for validation documentation to demonstrate that systems,
(including application software and software and hardware integration) have
been fully tested checked and approved against the safety requirements
• Introduction to the latest software tools for risk assessment and designing safety
instrumented systems and integrating them with other protective technologies
Course Objectives

Colin Easton, a globally recognised expert in functional safety, leads the course.
The course will equip participants with the knowledge for understanding and
mastering the application, principles and requirements of IEC 61508 – Functional
safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety systems and IEC
61511 – Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Sector.
Successful participants, who also have sufficient functional safety experience, will
achieve the prestigious FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) SIS certification.
The course will provide three days of classroom tuition and practical guidance,
mixed with practical exercises based on real life examples. Day four consists of a
four-hour two-part proficiency examination with:
Part 1 = 60 multiple-choice questions
Part 2 = 10 multiple part questions

Day 1 Agenda
Will provide an introduction to the functional safety standards, the underpinning
legislation and the concept of the functional safety lifecycle. Phases 1, 2, 3, 10 and
11 – process hazard analysis, risk assessment, allocation of safety functions and
functional safety and competency management will be discussed in depth and
participants will be introduced to the concepts of the international standards that
cover this area of risk assessment and risk reduction.
The topics covered are:
• IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 background
• Functional Safety Management and the application of the FS lifecycle
• Competency Management and Assessment
• Hazards, Risk and ALARP principles
• Security Risk Assessment requirements
• Risk Reduction
• SIL Determination by Risk Model
• Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
• SIL Determination using Fault Tree Analysis
• Quantified Risk Assessment
• Practical Exercises
• Case Studies with typical findings and issues

Exam Preparation exercise

Day 2 Agenda
Covers phases 3 and 4 in depth from determining the target SIL, developing the
Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) and how to undertake appropriate cost
effective designs for Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF). Participants will be
introduced to the concepts of Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD), safe failure
fraction, hardware fault tolerance, proven in use, failure modes, reliability, diversity,
separation and the influence of common cause.
The topics covered are:
• Risk Graph Calibration
• SIL Determination by risk graphs qualitative & Semi Quantitative
• SIL Determination Exercises
• Layers Of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
• SIL determination using LOPA
• LOPA Exercise
• SIL determination for Fire and Gas
• SIS Safety Requirements Specification
• Selection of Components and Subsystems
• Proven in use
• Failures and failure modes
• Demand Modes
• Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD)
• SIF Implementation (Low demand mode)
• Importance of Testing and Maintenance
• Common cause failures and influence on reliability
• Safe Failure Fraction and Hardware Fault Tolerance
• Practical Exercises
• Case Studies with typical findings and issues
• Exam Preparation exercise

Day 3 Agenda
Covers phase 4 – application software requirements for safety-instrumented systems
(SIS) and the relationships between hardware and software architecture. In depth
instruction in phase 9 requirements for verification explaining methods for calculating the Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD), safe failure fraction and
hardware fault tolerance, the concepts of failure modes, reliability and the influence
of common cause failures will also be covered in more depth.
The topics covered are:
• Understanding Failures and failure modes
• Understanding technical information / certificates and reports
• Reliability data and interpreting failure data
• Using Confidence levels
• PFD Exercises including diagnostics & Common cause influence on integrity
• Partial Closure Testing
• Application Software Requirements Specification & Validation Planning
• Requirements for Support Tools, User Manuals and Application Language
• Requirements for Application Software Development & Module Testing
• Integration of Application Software with SIS Subsystems
• Operations & Maintenance – Installation & Commissioning
• Proof testing strategies and the impact of testing
• Validation Planning and reporting
• Operation and Override procedures
• Inspection and maintenance management
• Modification, Change management and Impact Analysis
• Practical Exercises
• Case Studies with typical findings and issues
• Exam Preparation exercise

Day 4 Agenda
A four (4) hour two part CLOSED BOOK competency examination compromising:
Part 1 = 60 multiple-choice questions (1 mark each question);
Part 2 = 10 multiple part questions (4 marks each question).
The pass score criterion is 75%

Who Should Attend?
Instrument Engineers, Process Engineers and Safety Engineers as well as Operating
and Maintenance personnel who are involved in any of the lifecycle phases for safety instrumented systems from hazard and risk assessment, shut down system/fire
and gas systems design to testing maintenance.